Im a fan of the Leathermans personally. I've got a Juice KF4, very handy on backpacking trips and dorm life in general.
Bah. The Gerber is far superior - you can actually use the pliers without embossing a pair of parallel lines into your palm.
Plus, it's all about the totally awesome *schick!* sound they make when you casually flick your wrist to deploy the plier head. Like a switchblade for dorks.
I used to play Rifts, but that was years ago... any suggestions on who to contact, how this might play out, the whole RPGer scene?
For all things great and small in roleplaying games, hie thee hence to RPGNet and check out the forums.
If you're interested in finding gamers in your area, post in the Gaming Gatherings forum.
For advice on how to set up, tweak, and run with your idea, post in the Roleplaying Open forum.
This sounds like a pretty damn cool concept to me.
I've definitely seen the McDonalds game before, either here or on MeFi.
The TurboFlex game somehow manages to be simultaneously funny, dull, and creepy.
And to think that I sniggered when I saw the Iberian city of Anus in Rome: Total Realism.
My brief juevenile outburst (and current alliance with the Iberian Empire) definitely won't prevent me from owning that Anus, though.
Absolutely terrible. The first chapter is ludricously easy, and the second chapter is arbitrarily difficult. For some reason I couldn't shoot the militia guards while they were in the middle of their "raising radio to head" animation; the best I could hope for was to keep blasting rounds into their melons until the animation was over. If I didn't hit the split second interval before they actually spoke into their radio, I was screwed.
The only positive thing the game has going for it is decent blood-splatter-on-walls animation.
"When it comes to love, you shut yourself off. It's difficult to win your heart because you have decided to keep your feelings deep inside. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people."
Well, crap. Kinda hard to argue with that, considering the source material: House #160.
King Kong's still out there. That was just the initial buzz-generating blitz of previews--standard procedure for a movie that has a lot of money but isn't coming out for a while yet. It's still in post-production.
As for Jackson picking up Halo: at least it's not Uwe Boll.
Shoot, this should have garnered more than four comments. The Hoverboy stuff itself is surreal and silly, but the best is the guy's Other Works.
Between CYBORG POLICE OFFICER and the Luchador vs. the asteroid, I was quite amused.
"Homeless Ninja are everywhere!"
Heck, if you were truly THAT suicidal, you could always do the old Japanese trick and bite your tongue off(!) and drown in your blood.
I don't know about you, but I find these quite stylish. I'd get one... if it had pockets.
Ain't no way I'd be seen in one of those AND carrying a purse.
Hmm. Some interesting stories and stuff (I did like the mall Santa one), but a lot of crap that just seems to say, "Look at me! I make no sense! I'm ABSURD! Get it? ABSURD.ORG! It's wacky!" Intentionally broken links, intentionally misspelled words... most of this stuff makes me think of a guy who wears mismatched socks in order to fight conformity and the MAN.
When was the last time this countrie's air force has had to contend with an air to air missle threat?
Although I agree with that, I also feel that air-to-air combat is the least of our worries. If we are stupid enough to attack Iran, the US will lose at least one Navy ship, and the (bare minimum) hundred and fifty souls on board. Having been in the Navy and seen its defenses first-hand, as well as intel sheets on such lovely Chinese imports as the Silkworm ASM, I can reliably predict that American vessels in the Gulf will be well and truly fucked if the shit hits the fan.
Mobile missile trucks are far too small and numerous for airstrikes to get them all. And once they lock on, they can have a missile screaming toward a ship at Mach 2 even before the EW operator can yell at the TacO about it. And once it's in the air, skimming the surface, maneuvering, and even jamming (yes, modern anti-ship missiles can do that), there's not a Navy weapon system that is likely to stop it on a good day. Sea Sparrow and the SM-1 are ancient 1960's garbage. Phalanx CIWS is unrealiable at best, and has only a mile to engage (which at Mach 2 is about a second). RAM has about 3 miles, but needs a designation from a search radar (which, remember, is being jammed). This leaves the mighty, state-of-the-art AEGIS system, which can supposedly track satellites in orbit and is about as omniscient as God.... but the missiles on Aegis ships are VLS: they shoot straight up, which means that a sea-skimming hypersonic cruise missile fired from shore a few miles away (in a littoral Tomahawk-launching or gunfire support situation, anyway) is going to go right under the intercepting bird and right into the gut of that fancy destroyer or cruiser.
Granted, the sheer amount of deaths if a frigate or DDG goes down are just a drop in the bucket of thousand-plus American war dead already, but that many at once, and all coming from our supposedly invincible Navy, will be quite a shock to our morale. Remember the Cole, anyone?
Well, the first letter of your first name decides your secret last name, the last letter of your first name decides your secret first name, and the first letter of your last name decides the prefix to your last name.
If anybody out there has a first name that goes g-something-f, and a last name that starts with s, their secret name winds up as Squelchy Kissy-Bum.
Which is exactly what I was called in middle school.
Im a fan of the Leathermans personally. I've got a Juice KF4, very handy on backpacking trips and dorm life in general. Bah. The Gerber is far superior - you can actually use the pliers without embossing a pair of parallel lines into your palm. Plus, it's all about the totally awesome *schick!* sound they make when you casually flick your wrist to deploy the plier head. Like a switchblade for dorks.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 18 years ago
In "+5 sword of Curious: George"
I used to play Rifts, but that was years ago... any suggestions on who to contact, how this might play out, the whole RPGer scene? For all things great and small in roleplaying games, hie thee hence to RPGNet and check out the forums. If you're interested in finding gamers in your area, post in the Gaming Gatherings forum. For advice on how to set up, tweak, and run with your idea, post in the Roleplaying Open forum. This sounds like a pretty damn cool concept to me.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 18 years ago
In "Curious, George: UNLURK!"
Bleh! My fifth or sixth or seventh post! I'll be back in another couple weeks! You monkeys are pretty damn stylin'!
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 18 years ago
In "Feline outbursts interpreted as speech."
Monkeyfilter: Why I eyes ya, all the live long day. Stream of Conscienceness Poetry Cat made me cry tears of joy.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Political video games against the dictatorship of entertainment."
I've definitely seen the McDonalds game before, either here or on MeFi. The TurboFlex game somehow manages to be simultaneously funny, dull, and creepy.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Rude place names."
And to think that I sniggered when I saw the Iberian city of Anus in Rome: Total Realism. My brief juevenile outburst (and current alliance with the Iberian Empire) definitely won't prevent me from owning that Anus, though.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Shoot Him In The Head!"
And it's obvious that the writer's crappy spelling has rubbed off on me. Grr.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
Absolutely terrible. The first chapter is ludricously easy, and the second chapter is arbitrarily difficult. For some reason I couldn't shoot the militia guards while they were in the middle of their "raising radio to head" animation; the best I could hope for was to keep blasting rounds into their melons until the animation was over. If I didn't hit the split second interval before they actually spoke into their radio, I was screwed. The only positive thing the game has going for it is decent blood-splatter-on-walls animation.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Draw a house, ignore the bad personality test."
"When it comes to love, you shut yourself off. It's difficult to win your heart because you have decided to keep your feelings deep inside. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people." Well, crap. Kinda hard to argue with that, considering the source material: House #160.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Russian Reality Ruse"
via fimbulvetr's link: "The unwitting participants, who were selected for their suggestibility..." Translation: morons.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Jackson Does Halo."
King Kong's still out there. That was just the initial buzz-generating blitz of previews--standard procedure for a movie that has a lot of money but isn't coming out for a while yet. It's still in post-production. As for Jackson picking up Halo: at least it's not Uwe Boll.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Hoverboy, AWAY!"
Shoot, this should have garnered more than four comments. The Hoverboy stuff itself is surreal and silly, but the best is the guy's Other Works. Between CYBORG POLICE OFFICER and the Luchador vs. the asteroid, I was quite amused. "Homeless Ninja are everywhere!"
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Suicide prevention thru fashion"
Heck, if you were truly THAT suicidal, you could always do the old Japanese trick and bite your tongue off(!) and drown in your blood. I don't know about you, but I find these quite stylish. I'd get one... if it had pockets. Ain't no way I'd be seen in one of those AND carrying a purse.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In ""
Hmm. Some interesting stories and stuff (I did like the mall Santa one), but a lot of crap that just seems to say, "Look at me! I make no sense! I'm ABSURD! Get it? ABSURD.ORG! It's wacky!" Intentionally broken links, intentionally misspelled words... most of this stuff makes me think of a guy who wears mismatched socks in order to fight conformity and the MAN.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Bush Invades Iran in June and things don't go as planned?"
When was the last time this countrie's air force has had to contend with an air to air missle threat? Although I agree with that, I also feel that air-to-air combat is the least of our worries. If we are stupid enough to attack Iran, the US will lose at least one Navy ship, and the (bare minimum) hundred and fifty souls on board. Having been in the Navy and seen its defenses first-hand, as well as intel sheets on such lovely Chinese imports as the Silkworm ASM, I can reliably predict that American vessels in the Gulf will be well and truly fucked if the shit hits the fan. Mobile missile trucks are far too small and numerous for airstrikes to get them all. And once they lock on, they can have a missile screaming toward a ship at Mach 2 even before the EW operator can yell at the TacO about it. And once it's in the air, skimming the surface, maneuvering, and even jamming (yes, modern anti-ship missiles can do that), there's not a Navy weapon system that is likely to stop it on a good day. Sea Sparrow and the SM-1 are ancient 1960's garbage. Phalanx CIWS is unrealiable at best, and has only a mile to engage (which at Mach 2 is about a second). RAM has about 3 miles, but needs a designation from a search radar (which, remember, is being jammed). This leaves the mighty, state-of-the-art AEGIS system, which can supposedly track satellites in orbit and is about as omniscient as God.... but the missiles on Aegis ships are VLS: they shoot straight up, which means that a sea-skimming hypersonic cruise missile fired from shore a few miles away (in a littoral Tomahawk-launching or gunfire support situation, anyway) is going to go right under the intercepting bird and right into the gut of that fancy destroyer or cruiser. Granted, the sheer amount of deaths if a frigate or DDG goes down are just a drop in the bucket of thousand-plus American war dead already, but that many at once, and all coming from our supposedly invincible Navy, will be quite a shock to our morale. Remember the Cole, anyone?
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 19 years ago
In "Secret Christmas names"
Well, the first letter of your first name decides your secret last name, the last letter of your first name decides your secret first name, and the first letter of your last name decides the prefix to your last name. If anybody out there has a first name that goes g-something-f, and a last name that starts with s, their secret name winds up as Squelchy Kissy-Bum. Which is exactly what I was called in middle school.
posted by Skinner's Pigeon 20 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)